大家好,我是David McQuire。本堂课是Results章节的最后一课,我将介绍Discussion结尾撰写的结论(conclusion)。
在Discussion的结尾,通常会总结研究的重要结果,并由佐证数据导出推论。有些期刊会要求将Conclusion作为独立的章节,并撰写结论。与上堂课叙述limitation的内容一样,请事先确认投稿规程。 举一个结论的例子。 要点①:药物X和药物Y作为抗高血压药物皆有效。 要点②:通过分析已证明药物X对自主神经系统的影响小于药物Y。 要点③:两种药物的差异应该在于药物X不仅针对L型,而且对N型电压依赖性钙通道也产生影响。 汇整上述①~③的说明后,用英语描述如下。 In conclusion, the present study showed that once daily treatment with Drug X had less influence on the autonomic nervous system (assessed from heart rate variability) than treatment with Drug Y, while both drugs had a similar antihypertensive effect. This difference between the two drugs was probably related to the effect of Drug X on the N-type, as well as L-type, voltage-dependent calcium channel. 大家觉得如何? 接着,我们来看另一个例子。 要点①:药物X显著抑制了白衣效应。 要点②:服用药物X的群组与药物Y组相比,其白衣效应明显降低。 要点③:由于白衣效应是藉由过度的升压反应而诱发高血压心血管系统的合并症,因此该药物可能适用于抑制高血压患者的过度升压反应。 汇整上述①~③的说明后,用英语描述如下。 In summary, there was a significant decrease of the white coat effect during Drug X therapy and patients receiving Drug X showed a significantly smaller white coat effect than those on Drug Y. Because the white coat effect may be a manifestation of an enhanced pressor response that is related to the cardiovascular complications of hypertension, it may be preferable to treat patients with a drug that suppresses this effect, such as Drug X. 大家觉得如何? 从这两个例子中可以看出,结论的基本形式是“概述主要成果①和②,并提示临床意义③”。这个基本形式可广泛应用,请牢记。 最后再提一点。写完结论后,请务必对照Abstract的结论并确认内容是否一致。千万别提出互相矛盾或论点分歧的论文。 下次,我将讲述编写References章节的重点。 |
AuthorDr. McQuire
1981年毕业于澳洲Monash Medical School,后任职于 Western General Hospital(现Western Hospital)、Royal Children Hospital。自1988年起,成为专职英语母语校稿人/编辑,从事医学论文・报告等文献校正。现居澳洲。作者校阅的论文多次刊登在the Lancet(柳叶刀)及new England Journal Of Medicine(新英格兰医学期刊)等顶尖医学期刊。 |