大家好,我是David McQuire。这是Introduction的第2堂课,我将举出具体的例子,并介绍一些简单实用的英语词句。
首先,假设论文的目的是研究“钙离子阻断剂X与ACE抑制剂并用可提高疗效,减少副作用”的临床试验。这篇论文的意义,可以考虑为“如果药物并用的有效性高于单剂疗效,并且能够减少副作用的话,高血压患者的服药顺从性就会得到改善”。 那么,我们试着撰写Introduction吧。 Hypertension requires long-term treatment to prevent complications, but maintaining good compliance is often a problem when asymptomatic patients develop side effects of medication.1) Combined therapy with agents that have different mechanisms of action can effectively control the blood pressure while avoiding adverse reactions that may arise during high-dose monotherapy.2) 首先,有必要阐述与论文目的相关的背景。上述例子是针对“需长期治疗的无症状高血压患者为预防并发症,服用药物引起的副作用导致服药顺从性降低”的问题进行探讨。如例句所示,重要的是提出与论文有直接关系的主题。 接着,讲述试验中使用药物X的特性。具有代表性的词组包括good antihypertensive effect、well tolerated、long acting、once daily等。 drug X is a novel dihydropyridine calcium antagonist that inhibits both N-type and L-type calcium channels, and once-daily administration has been reported to achieve a good antihypertensive effect.3-4) 作为药物说明,应描述最基本的必要讯息,如名称、药效等级、药理活性和投药频率。这个例句也可以应用到其他的场合。 然后,举出与论文相关的其他试验成果,并阐述本试验的独特性。例如,阐述“尽管已有报告指出药物X和利尿剂或β阻断剂的并用效果,但是,尚未有相关研究提及本文探讨的并用ACE抑制剂的疗效”。 drug X is well tolerated when used in combination with thiazide diuretics5) or b-blockers.6) However, combined therapy with drug X and an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor has not been reported previously. 本例句的句型“However, … has not been studied/investigated/reported previously”可以广泛用来强调试验的价值和独特性,请牢记。 最后,我要讲述的是论文的出发点-试验目的。 Accordingly, we examined the efficacy and safety of combined therapy using drug X and an ACE inhibitor (drug Y) in patients showing poor compliance with their current therapy, since this combination was predicted to be better tolerated and more effective than those tested previously. 大家觉得如何?这个例句的句型“Accordingly/Therefore, we examined/investigated the … in patients with/showing/who had …”也可以应用到其他的情况,请务必尝试。 到此,我分2次讲述了编写Introduction时的重点。下次我将讲述Materials and Methods的写法。 |
AuthorDr. McQuire
1981年毕业于澳洲Monash Medical School,后任职于 Western General Hospital(现Western Hospital)、Royal Children Hospital。自1988年起,成为专职英语母语校稿人/编辑,从事医学论文・报告等文献校正。现居澳洲。作者校阅的论文多次刊登在the Lancet(柳叶刀)及new England Journal Of Medicine(新英格兰医学期刊)等顶尖医学期刊。 |